Infrastructure development involves fundamental structures that are required for the functioning of a community and society. Investment in this development can boost economic growth.
In view of the Olympic Games of 2004 in Athens, Greece, a major restructuring of the Faliron coastal area (southern seafront of Athens) took place. ENM carried out all the hydraulic-related components for this enormous project which took place in two phases. In 2012, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation financed the Integrated regeneration program, restructuring and development of the Faliron Coast area to re-establish continuity between the city and the sea in accordance with the Cultural Center S. Niarchos facilities (National Opera, national Library and Cultural / Educational Park).
The water supply of Corfu Island and Paxoi Islands in Greece aimed at supplying good quality potable water in sufficient quantities to the islands of Corfu and Paxi including the city of Corfu and 11 more municipalities, hotel complexes and touristic installation (total population of 260,000 inhabitants and 140,000 tourists).
​The project target for the Technical and Administrative Assistance for Implementation of the Taksebt-Algiers Water Conveyance Project is the reinforcement of the water supply system for the greater area of the city of Algiers (3,000,000 population approx) and the Tizi-Ouzou to Algiers corridor through the transfer of water supplied by the existing Taksebt dam and reservoir.
Related Projects
Flood Control, Water Supply & Sanitation Networks, Irrigation system
Preliminary and Final Designs, Environmental Impact Assessment
Technical and Administrative Assistance
Water Supply, Wastewater and Stormwater Networks
Construction Studies and Drawings
Flood Protection Works and Storm Water Management System