Niger Office and Rice Segou Operation, Mali
Rehabilitation Programme for the Great Hydro-Agricultural Projects

Project Details
Services Fee:
Year of Completion:
€ 624,500
1991- 1994
Segou, Mali
Services Rendered
• Supervision of works during the entire project implementation
• Topographic works and geotechnical investigations
The project was implemented within the framework of the rehabilitation of the rice sector, depending on the Macina canal. The rehabilitation works concerned mainly the hydraulic restoration of the irrigation network, for a firm control of the water level in the rice fields to enable a rapid change towards intensive rice-culture and thus improving the farmers’ living conditions and income.
Rehabilitation of the following irrigation infrastructure:
• The Macina primary canal (60 km), supplying with water the distribution
canals of Kokry and Boky Were.
• The two distribution canals of Kokry (30 km) and of Boky Were (15 km) which can irrigate about 20,000 ha in the region of Macina.
• The main drainage network of Boky Were (20 km) and the associated secondary and tertiary drainage networks
• The irrigation networks (2,800 ha) depending on the Boky Were distribution canal and the associated drainage networks.
• Construction of all civil engineering works related to the irrigation network (regulators, water intake and drainage
works) and village infrastructures (wash- houses, etc.)
• Construction of the road network on each side of the Macina canal, Kokry and Boky Were distribution canals (total length 290 km) and crossing structures (bridges, footbridges, culvert, etc.).
One multidisciplinary senior engineer–project manager, one land management engineer, two work supervisors (in charge of concrete works and earthworks respectively) and short term missions of experts in civil engineering, hydromechanics and geotechnics were involved.
Related Projects
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