Thriassio Wastewater Treatment Plant
Technical Assistance for the Construction of Sewerage Main Collector System and WWTP

Project Details
Construction Cost:
Year of Completion:
€ 54.5m
Thriassio, Attica, Greece
Services Rendered
• Check of the main parts of the works including detailed analysis and evaluation of the technical offers for the wastewater treatment plant, prior to the signature of the relevant construction contract.
• Programming of Works
• Determination of a reference system to monitor the financial and physical progress of works
• Supervision during execution of works
• Check of safety measures for construction works
• Check of “as built” drawings of the works
• Resolution of miscellaneous problems arising during the works construction.
Works mainly concern the construction of the sewerage main collectors of Thriassio, west of Athens and of a Wastewater Treatment Plant.
The sewerage main collectors include four main collectors (eastern, western, northern and of Elefsina) which convey the wastewater of Thriassio area to the
Wastewater Treatment Plant. Two main pumping stations will be constructed at the Elefsina coastal area, supplying the Elefsina’s main collector. The total length of the main collectors is 36,300m. The length of open trench is 24,500m (diameter: 350mm to 700mm) and the length of micro-tunnelling is 11,800m (350mm to 900mm internal
diameter). The Wastewater Treatment Plant will be constructed at the Aspropyrgos coastal area (5.7 ha) to treat 21,000 m3/d (117,000 equivalent population) for the 1st phase of works. The system includes a submarine pipeline (d=1,000mm, l=1.6km).
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